Debunking 6 of the Top Weight Loss Myths

Getting past weight loss myths without counting calories.

Many people rely on the internet for information on losing weight. The problem? There’s SO much information out there that it’s easy to get confused, especially when it comes to less reliable sources. What’s a whole grain? Will fruit spike my blood sugar? Should I be eating fewer calories? What about carbohydrates? To set you up for success on your weight loss journey, we’re busting the six most common weight loss myths.

Myth #1: All calories are created equal

It actually depends on the quality of the calorie—in other words, your body processes 100 calories from a lean protein source like chicken much differently than it does 100 calories from candy. Calories from whole foods are much more filling and nutritious than calories from refined, processed foods. When it comes to managing your weight, you want the biggest bang for your caloric buck.

Excess sugar intake, which is typical of a standard North American diet, can throw off your body’s metabolic balance, causing fat storage and possibly leading to other negative health conditions. At Ideal Protein, we believe that eating the right foods can heal you from the inside, not only helping you lose weight, but also fueling you to live your best life.

Myth #2: Exercise alone produces weight loss

Although exercise promotes well-being, fitness, and overall health, nutrition plays a much larger role in weight loss. As the saying goes, you can’t “out-exercise” a bad diet since you are, indeed, what you eat. This is why we believe food is medicine! Eating the right combination of protein, fat and carbohydrates will help your metabolism reset as well as burn fat and preserve muscle.

Myth #3: Fat makes you fatter

This is an outdated myth from the 1980s low-fat craze, during which time food companies removed fat and added loads of sugar to compensate for the lack of flavor. In fact, foods with healthy fats, like olive oil, can help you stay satisfied longer. Sugar, on the other hand, spikes insulin levels, making us hungrier and causing a craving for more sugary, calorie-laden starches. Of course if you’re trying to lose weight, you’ll want to monitor your fat intake. You want your body to burn your fat stores—not dietary fat—for energy.

Myth #4: Carbs are your enemy

This one is pervasive—and not 100% correct. The truth is that not all carbs are unhealthy. Refined carbs, such as processed foods high in sugar and refined grains, are unhealthy and linked to weight gain. However, fiber-rich whole foods, like vegetables, are high in carbs but healthy.

During the Weight Loss Phase of the Ideal Protein Protocol, we limit carbohydrate intake to encourage the body to turn to its fat stores for energy. Ideal Protein foods are specially formulated to sustain muscle mass, and they simplify the weight loss process while you learn how to develop smarter eating habits and lifestyle choices. As you progress through your weight loss journey, you’ll receive more information and support in finding the best balance of macronutrients to lose weight and maintain your weight loss.

Myth #5: Snacking is a bad idea

The idea that you shouldn’t eat between meals is a myth. Having a healthy, nutritious snack between meals might help you eat less overall or keep you from binging later. In fact, in order to keep burning fat, you don’t want to go longer than four to five hours without eating. The Ideal Protein Protocol includes one delicious snack per day—plus you can snack on fresh veggies any time you want.

Myth #6: As long as you count calories, it doesn’t matter what you eat

Actually, what you eat does matter. Eating a healthy mix of quality foods and limiting sugary, highly processed foods will help keep you satisfied and promote good health.

One of the advantages of the Ideal Protein Protocol is that you don’t have to count calories! Follow the Protocol and you’ll lose weight. Plus, in addition to coaching and one-on-one support, you’ll learn how to read labels, plan meals, and shop for the most nutrient dense foods. These skills will help you sustain your weight loss moving forward.

There is no shortcut to weight loss, and navigating through all the information can be daunting. But once you know the facts, you can make informed decisions to support healthy, sustainable weight loss. Still have questions and want to learn more? Look no further than Ideal Protein, a doctor-designed, coach-led Ketogenic Weight Loss Protocol that uses food as medicine to help you lose weight and live your best, healthiest life.

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